Wednesday, August 5, 2009

2009 Church Anniversary

Pictures taken during our Church Anniversary.

Photos available at Picasa.

DGC's Sunrise Service 2009

Snapshots from our 2009 Sunrise Service.

Photos available at Picasa.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Audio Messages from Sunday Services

Audio from Feb, 15, 1009

021509message.mp3 -

Audio from Feb. 22, 2009

022209message.mp3 -

Audio from March 01, 2009

030109messsage.mp3 -

Audio from March 8, 2009

030809message.mp3 -

Audio from March 15, 2009

031509message.mp3 -

Audio from March 22, 2009

032209message.mp3 -

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Message: Now I Understand!

Psalms 73

Look only to God

020809message.mp3 -

1. Misconception
- looking at the prosperity of the wicked
- that the wicked have no struggles (v4)
- free from problems (v5)

2. Miseries
- looking and comparing ourselves w/ the wicked
- thinking that our work for God are in vain (v13)

3. Misfortune
- not looking at the things that will happen to the wicked.
- the wicked has instability for only God can provide stability
- "You put them on slippery ground."

4. Miss (Fail to understand
things missed
a. That God was with him
v23 "Yet I am with you always."
b. That God is holding our hand
"You hold my right hand"
c. That guide is our adviser
"You guide me with Your counsel"
d. God is the strength of my heart
e. God is my portion
f. God is the most desirable thing (v25)

Message: Unity in Diversity

I Cor. 1:12-31

One Body, Many Parts

020109message.mp3 -

Reasons why we can unite
1. God has arranged (v18-24a)
*arranged into:
- "weaker" parts w/c are indespensible
- "less honorable" parts w/c are treated w/ special honor
- "unpresentable" parts are treated w/ modesty
- "presentable" parts are treated w/ no special treatment
*arranged by God according to His goodness

2. God has combinded (v24)
- God combined and has given greater honor to parts that lacked it
- so that there should be no division
- to have equal concern
- empathy

3. God has appointed (v28)
- appointed as apostles, prophets, teachers, workers of miraceles
- unity in the faith, maturity, prepare God's people

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Message: Signs from Israel's history

I Cor. 16:1-14
Actual Audio Message delivered by Pastor Edwin Locsin

112509message.mp3 -

1. Privileges do not guarantee success
a. God's presence
b. God's guidance
c. God's protection \ passing through
d. God's deliverance / the red sea
e. God's provision - spiritual food (mana)

Example: I kings 11
King Solomon was the wealthiest and wisest man but the Lord became angry when Solomon turned away from Him.

2. Good beginning do not guarantee good endings
Sins: I Jn 5:21
.set hearts on evil things
.engage in idolatry
.commit sexual immorality
.testing the Lord

Example: I sam. 13:6
King Saul was spirit filled , was changed and God was with Him. But he committed suicide in the end.

3. Carelessness can lead to defeat( v11-14)
Example: II Sam 11:27
King David was careless and was immoral. He lost God's favor, peace in his house and a loyal friend and general.

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