Thursday, January 29, 2009

Message: Signs from Israel's history

I Cor. 16:1-14
Actual Audio Message delivered by Pastor Edwin Locsin

112509message.mp3 -

1. Privileges do not guarantee success
a. God's presence
b. God's guidance
c. God's protection \ passing through
d. God's deliverance / the red sea
e. God's provision - spiritual food (mana)

Example: I kings 11
King Solomon was the wealthiest and wisest man but the Lord became angry when Solomon turned away from Him.

2. Good beginning do not guarantee good endings
Sins: I Jn 5:21
.set hearts on evil things
.engage in idolatry
.commit sexual immorality
.testing the Lord

Example: I sam. 13:6
King Saul was spirit filled , was changed and God was with Him. But he committed suicide in the end.

3. Carelessness can lead to defeat( v11-14)
Example: II Sam 11:27
King David was careless and was immoral. He lost God's favor, peace in his house and a loyal friend and general.

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